Our Wonderland: Finale Out Now (and Full Game Now Complete)!
*much rejoicing occurs*
I hope that you will enjoy this final trip down the tree as you get to see how this horrific monstrosity finally wraps everything up! It's still incredibly hard for me to believe that it's truly complete. After all, I've been working on this game for 2 years and 8 months. Ofc it's not like I've been working on it literally every single one of those days, as I've taken breaks and worked on small side projects, as well. But considering the fact that those side projects were all related to this game and even when taking production breaks I was still actively thinking about these chars and drawing them and being obsessed with them, it sometimes feels like it's been nothing but this game for the past 3 years LOL And tbh that will probably continue even after this at least for a while, as I don't picture myself suddenly not thinking about these chars 24/7 (plus, I still have plans for other OW-related stuff, even if none of that will ever be the same as working on the main game).
Before I go off and start rambling incoherently about My Feelings™, I'll give you all the pertinent facts about the release so you can read them and immediately exit before you have to listen to me prattle on any longer LOL The details will be mostly the same as I already wrote in my announcement devlog a few weeks back but just reiterated here in case you missed or forgot. Though do check out the new CWs afterwards, too. There's nothing really all that new in this part that's different from the rest of the game but I am bringing back a CW from arc 1 and highlighting it just case so you know what you're getting into.
- Around 35k new words, though a single playthrough will only be about 20-22k words because of the different routes
- 4 different routes, with each route including a special scene and a unique epilogue; 3 of those routes are LI-focused (a Genzou route, an Orlam route, and a Gidget route) while 1 is neutral
- 109 CGs, because something took a hold of me and I couldn't be stopped
- 3 animatic-style semi-animated cutscenes
- 15 music tracks
- Lots of new sprites/sprite variations
And, like before, since this is the final part of the game and OFFICIALLY brings it to its conclusion, the total stats for the entire game now that it's finished:
- 5 arcs
- 288k words
- 520 CGs
- 96 unique sprites (+ countless variations)
- 7 animatic-style semi-animated cutscenes
- 128 music tracks
- 470 sound effects
- 12 optional deaths (+4 non-optional deaths)
- 1 heart (my own)
There wasn't really anything else new to add for this final release. Not like the previous couple where I also added some QoL stuff like the gallery and the replays and such. So it's really just the last chunk of content. Not that it didn't have its own pesky scripting woes to plow through given I finally had to count up and use all those points you've been collecting for the LIs all game LOL But fortunately after having just finished OC, which was positively ridiculous for me coding-wise, this was quite a walk in the park~ 😌✨
While we're on that topic, I hope it won't end up being too difficult for everyone to unlock the ending they want. It was never my intention to make it difficult to get a certain char's ending. The point of all the choices was more to kinda ensure that if you were going to get a char's ending, that you spent a little bit of time actively thinking about them and trying to get Iggy closer to them, and also that you've seen a lot of their key scenes and pieces of dialogue. That way their ending feels more justified and their dynamic with Iggy more natural. I guess. For that reason, I do think that if you kinda just actively think about a char while going through and making choices, you'll easily be able to unlock them, especially with some of the chunky gimme choices I give in Arc 5 LOL
One of the aforementioned gimme choices LOL
THAT BEING SAID. Just in case. Sometime this weekend probably I'll publish a devlog guide with some hints for how to make sure you can unlock the char you want! That way in case anyone's having trouble with a specific char, they can have some help. It's actually possible to unlock all the chars on a single playthrough, though it is a bit difficult, as you'd really need to get almost all the potential points you can to account for the times where you have to choose between the chars. At any rate, look for that in the coming days.
The install for the finale should be the same as for all the previous arcs.
- If you haven't played Our Wonderland before: You don't need to do anything special! Just download the game and play from the beginning.
- If you have played Our Wonderland before and have a save file: Download the new [COMPLETE GAME] version of the game and start 'er up. Probably, you won't need to do anything else (because Ren'Py keeps persistent save data from your games). However, if for whatever reason, you don't see any of your old saves, copy over the "saves" folder from your previous version of the game, and paste that into the "game" folder of the new version of the game:
If you can't remember which save file is near the start of the finale, look for a save titled "Inside the Castle." Though this is quite a long scene (it's literally the entire Orlam castle sequence LOL), hopefully this will be enough to pin it down. The thumbnail could be on a "To be continued" screen, or a black screen, or the CG with all of them outside the cabin (it starts immediately after this CG):
If for whatever reason you can't find this exact save, however, you can start anywhere within the "Inside the Castle" scene and you won't be far, so choose any save with that title and press Tab or Ctrl to skip until you reach the new content!
And now ofc we get to...
The finale abides by the same general content warnings as the rest of the game, which include:
- Strong adult language
- Strong graphic violence (both illustrated and textual)
- Sexual violence/assault/unwanted sexual advances
- Disturbing and potentially triggering elements
I'm also adding in one new general warning specifically for this part:
- Disturbing violence against an infant
This was a CW that was present also for arc 1, but I'm upgrading it and highlighting it as a general content warning for the finale because it's quite a bit more prominent and intense.
In general, the finale is very similar content wise as the rest of Arc 5, in particular continuing with the intense action sequences, so this CW from the first part of Arc 5 will still apply strongly:
- Intense action sequences with quick movements, shaking screen and sprites, flashing lights, and eye strain
There's once again a couple of action-oriented scenes (similar to the tomato scene and the breaching the castle scene from 5.15) in this part, though I would say they're not as long. They include quickly moving sprites, screen shake, and some quick changes in contrast. There are also a couple of short sequences with some eye strain, mostly in the form of inverted-color images and some chroma glitch effects. I'm also adding a "simulated temporary hearing loss" to the end of this content warning, as there's a short auditory part similar to what you see in movies and shows to simulate the kind of temporary hearing loss one would experience after a loud sound or blast.
The rest is mostly par for the course for those who have played the game, as the same general game-typical violence, language, banter, blood, etc. will all return. I would also say that the finale is rather intense in general, though that is perhaps to be expected LOL
At any rate, I've provided a more-detailed breakdown of content warnings as always! These contain spoilers for obvious reasons, so don't click if you don't want to see. If you're at all concerned about the general content warnings, I do recommend checking them out just in case:
Finale Detailed Content Warnings
- Strong graphic violence (action sequences include descriptive depictions of violence, including characters getting bitten, hit, kicked, slashed, knocked to the ground, etc; characters emerge from action sequences boasting a lot of cuts and bruises; one character has their hand half chopped off)
- Sexual references, sexual violence/assault/unwanted sexual advances (sexual humor, jokes, and references are made throughout; references are made to erections and genitalia; apologies are made re: past sexual assault attempts)
- Disturbing and potentially triggering elements (references made to prior instances of cannibalism and torture; a character helps care for another character's severed appendage and the descriptions are rather visceral)
- Intense action sequences, eye strain, and flashing movements (a fight scene against a large creature occurs in which the creature and its limbs often move quickly across the screen, and the characters fighting it also move quickly to and fro; a short fight scene involving many large root-like objects occurs in which many roots flash across the screen and attack the characters; a short sequence involving a BG and character sprites with inverted colors occurs; a short sequence involving chroma glitch effects and static-like noise on the BG occurs; a short moment in which the sound goes muffled and a tinnitus-style sound effect plays, simulating temporary hearing loss, occurs; a few scenes include floating particle-style effects that move across the screen)
- Disturbing violence against an infant (an infant is held in captivity, implied to have been killed/bludgeoned, and has now turned into a bloated mass; the CG showing this has been hard-censored, but there are still textual descriptions that are rather visceral)
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about anything! I am always happy to provide even more details about any particular scenes you might be worried about or provide screenshots, etc.
And... that's basically it as far as the release goes, I guess!!!!
I say as though this is the same as every other release. Except that this time it's the last one. SOB.
I feel like I have so many thoughts and feelings and such but I don't even really know where to start, so I'm actually feeling rather at a loss right now LOL I said this already back when I announced the release date for this but, despite the game being finished at that point, it hadn't really hit me yet. Mostly because I still had some work to do, like final testing and tweaks, a bit more art (I drew some new unique title screens), and ofc all the launch prep including all the art for the countdown and all the posts and such. So despite being done, it didn't really feel "done" yet. Also just the launch itself. Finally getting it out there. Hadn't happened yet. And even now that it's the day of launch, since I'm (obviously) writing this beforehand, it still doesn't quite feel real. I think probably this weekend it's really going to hit me the most. I already tend to experience quite hard post-launch slumps. I've had one every single time I've released an arc and for every side game (except maybe the O2A2 games, since those were very short and usually done while I was also working on the main game). I think pretty much every dev experiences this. You've been working really hard and then it's just done. And often it doesn't even really matter how the response is. Ofc that sometimes does play into it a lot, too. But even aside from that, it's just this feeling of... emptiness. A weird numbness. No matter how happy you are with it. How proud you are of it. No matter how well it does. I just feel... sad. And it always lasts for a least a while after the launch.
Considering I've had this pretty bad even with the individual arc releases, where I knew I still had more to go until I finished the game, makes me even worried now because this is the final one????/????/? LOL So I'm not expecting it to be pretty. But I'm trying to go in planning for this and be kind to myself and try to keep distracted with things that bring me joy. Because thinking about waking up in the morning and not? Having this game to finish anymore? Is a very weird thought to me after almost 3 years. NOT TO SAY THAT I'M GOING TO JUST STOP THINKING ABOUT IT OFC. I think that would be basically impossible lakdjfasd But still, it's a different feeling knowing that the overarching project will be complete.
OK Then Carrot What Will You Do Next???
That's a very good question!!!!!!! I do have a few ideas in the immediate short-term of some small things I'd like to do, some of which I've already talked about. For instance:
- Publish a short guide for how to unlock each char
- Create an Arc 5 OST video
- Make a mobile version for OW (something I've wanted to do for a while now that I have more experience in it but was saving until I finished the game)
- Draw more self-indulgent art (LOL)
- And ofc the remaster I've mentioned a few times in the past
I haven't decided what all exactly the remaster will encompass yet. I know there are some CGs I want to redo (especially early ones). Some sprites I either want to redo or tweak. I want to do some general scripting polish, especially for the early arcs. I did a tiny bit of this already for the finale release, mostly just because I redid a few sprites though. But it's quite clear that like, Arc 5 is on a bit of a different level cinematography/scripting-wise, so I'd like to bring at least a bit of that more into the rest of the game, too. It won't be anything jaw-dropping but just like, little polishes and tweaks here and there to maybe make some of the early scenes more active and engaging. Unsure completely but that's my idea. I may or may not draw some more CGs, especially for the arcs that feel like they don't have as many as the others. Or for parts where I had considered CGs in the past but ultimately decided against it mostly because of lack of energy lakdjfad Also I'm still rather keen on adding an Iggy side sprite into dialogue-heavy scenes... (that could be turned on or off). So that's just some of the ideas! Basically a coat of polish across the whole game to generally bring everything closer to a similar level of consistency and add a few things I think could help it be even better. This would probably be something I kind of work on in the background while potentially working on other stuff.
The question of Steam, ofc, pops up at this point. Do I eventually want to release OW on Steam? I'm still not quite sure at this point. The idea of releasing on Steam is potentially exciting but also very scary. Like it could potentially open up the game to a larger audience, but at the same time, bring in a lot of unwanted attention. And we all already know I'm basically an anxiety-ridden wreck who crumbles into a pile of ancient ash the second I get involved in any kind of drama or discourse. So. I will continue to think about it LOL It would still be free even if I released it on Steam. I don't ever plan to charge for any of my games. I just enjoy making them, and I don't ever really want money to become a factor in what I decide to make or the directions I go with my games, since I just make them for my own love and joy of creating stories and chars (and my own hyper-fixations). For me, at least, people engaging with my chars and stories brings me the ultimate joy and is the only "compensation" I need for lack of a better word LOL And a lot of this is also because I just do this as a hobby so it's not like I need any kind of monetary compensation in order to keep making games since I have a full-time job that pays the bills (...for now...). Also since 90% of the game is made by me, so I don't need to use much of my own money to buy assets and such. The most money I've spent in the creation of my games has gone to music hahaha. So truly, madly, deeply, if you're ever thinking you want to support me in my game dev endeavors, just hearing your thoughts about the game or supporting in non-monetary ways like leaving ratings or comments or creating things about the game is the most wonderful thing you could ever do, as it always motivates me and makes me smile a lot!!!! (Ratings especially here on itch honestly help so much, as it helps the game be more visible! The itch algorithm is rather quirkly and prioritizes engagement on a game as far as I can tell, so things like 5-star ratings and comments boost it in the ranking, along with ofc downloads and such.)
As far as upcoming larger projects are concerned, I haven't completely decided yet. I have some ideas for more OW-related projects, as well as some brand-new ones. For instance, I know that I still definitely want to make at least one more OW side game (like a mid-size one, I mean; a tiny O2A2 game is also in the cards, but I'd like to also make another one of similar size to OFW and OC, as well). I don't know what this would be yet. I have a few floaty ideas I've mentioned before but nothing super concrete. I mostly just know that I'd like to make something that includes the whole cast and could be both silly but maybe also dramatic. My heart keeps leaning towards hurt/comfort blizzard game LAKDJFLASKDFA LOOK I. I HAVE. I HAVE A WEAKNESS. Also, if you've been following me on Twitter/Tumblr, you know that I'm currently 10 stages into obsession mode playing Dragon's Dogma 2, which has gotten my brain pumping with ideas about fantasy Genzy misadventures, to the point that I've developed a potential story for a Genzou-centric DD2-inspired side game in my head. As to whether or not it will become anything, I'm not sure, as the inspiration may eventually die, but it's currently knocking around there something awful. Speaking of fantasy, I'd also love to do something else OFW-related in the future, as well. My dream would be to make an actual RPG... but I am unsure if I have the skills weep. Particularly when it comes to making sprites and battlers. (I have a dream of having animated pixel battlers of the crew with similar animation style of like, River City Girls, and it plagues me constantly, I think they would be so cute OWOWOWO but I do not have the skills to make those alas.)
I also have some ideas for brand-new (i.e., non-OW-related) future projects dancing around in the noggin. One is an old horror story of mine (as they always are) I'd love to bring back and make a VN out of. Another is more of a dark fantasy and an idea that's been developing over a few years in the back of my brain. Both of them include the type of things you've come to expect from me, i.e., group dynamics, high drama, Gay Stuff. So we'll have to see. Either way I'll probably take a small break before starting on anything brand-new to keep faffing around with OW stuff for a while, but I may start kind of slowly working on a few things in the background before deciding on something concrete to focus on or something. Main takeaway tl;dr just being that I have a number of possibilities for larger things I could do next, but I'm not sure yet which direction I'll go, but they include both OW-related stuff and new stuff. I guess. And who knows, I may also get inspired by a random jam or something along the line, too, inspiring something I haven't even thought of yet!!!
Don't ask me why I'm adding these random doodles LOLOL
Now what...
I've rambled a lot already.
I really want to emphasize how grateful I am for everyone who's stuck around with me and this game for so long. It's come a long way! And it took a long time before anyone actually played it. Which required a lot of intrinsic motivation to keep going. This is probably starting to sound like a broken record at this point, but there were a lot of times I almost gave up on this game. Particularly around the beginning when I really felt like I was just shouting into the void when it came to my game dev stuff. Not only was the game spiraling into a much larger scope than I had expected at the beginning (I thought I'd finish it all within a year... A YEAR...), but no one was even playing it. So it just felt really hard to keep going at times, particularly when I was already suffering from a lot of anxiety and general malaise. Even my partner told me I should quit. But somehow in spite of everything, I kept going. And somehow, little by little, more people began to find the game. Which helped a lot when it came to motivation hahaha. Like intrinsic motivation + hyper-fixation is great and all, but having other people actually playing and enjoying it and liking the characters introduced a new kind of sheer unadulterated joy into my life that I'd never felt before. And I still am honestly in disbelief how much love the game has gotten since then and how many people were looking forward to seeing it finally reach its conclusion.
I also still attribute much of how I was able to finish this to my decision to release it in parts LOL Like. I can't even imagine. If I hadn't released anything until the end. CAN YOU??? I feel like I definitely would have given up if I'd just been working in secret isolation without anyone being able to play each arc as I finished. So I guess maybe that's the advice for other devs, particularly solo ones, who are taking on a large project. SPLIT IT UP. Not only does it give you smaller goals to reach for, making it feel a lot more attainable to reach each new milestone, but also you'll get the magical feeling of people actually playing what you've worked on so far!!!!1!!1!!!!
Tbh I would not recommend my way of working to anyone. I never plan anything. I write and draw based on vibes. I feel like it's only through sheer luck that I somehow made it to the end of the game and things ended up working out in the story given how much the story and chars have changed and evolved since I first started production. Like would it surprise you to know what have now turned into huge plot points or shifts for the characters weren't even decided upon until like halfway through???? (*cough* after-prom *cough*) My process is completely vibes-based in general. I'll think for a long time on an idea, really letting myself ruminate on it and forming the characters and overall flow. As it comes more and more to shape in my mind, I'll then start visualizing some of the key scenes. Those key scenes are what I latch onto when I eventually start writing, essentially winging it as I attempt to connect the scenes together. And oftentimes the key scenes themselves aren't even fleshed out, I just have like... movie stills in my mind. So I'll start writing the scene knowing essentially what I want to happen but without any of the details fleshed out, which is why I often end up surprised when things I don't expect happen or the scene takes an interesting direction. Music also helps a lot with this!! I like searching for music even while I'm still in the thinking phase, and a lot of the songs for this game would actually help inspire the scenes they're played in.
AND THAT'S JUST WRITING. Because then I'd start coding things into the game. And it was usually only then that I'd decide what CGs I wanted to draw. Again based entirely on nothing but vibes and things I wanted to draw LOL This is why I could never tell you how many CGs there were going to be in an arc or how long it would take me to complete. Because I had no idea!!1!1!!!!!!
My production process in a nutshell.
This devlog is really starting to get ridiculous, so I'll wrap things up.
Once again, I am just so thankful and grateful for everyone who's played the game and ever supported me in any way, shape, or form. And I hope the finale will be satisfying for people! IT FELT LIKE A LOT OF PRESSURE. TO MAKE SURE LIKE. I DIDN'T NOT MEET ANYONE'S EXPECTATIONS. Especially after this long. So I'm quite anxious about it. However this is not really new, I'm always anxious LKDJFADS Still. I really do hope that people will like the conclusion. And also that you'll stick around afterwards for whatever I get up to next!
I've learned a lot about myself in the journey of creating this game. Both because the story is incredibly personal to me. And also because it's very important to me. And I've used it to express a lot of my own challenges, thoughts, struggles, issues, and experiences I've had in my own life. I hope that others can also relate to some of these experiences and struggles and find something to relate to in this game. OR YOU CAN JUST ENJOY THE CUTE GAY MOMENTS LKDAJFDAAD (insert "why not both" meme here)
OK I really will actually end this now. MY FINGERS ARE GONNA FALL OFF???? So. Tata for now! Please enjoy the finale!! And I look forward to sharing whatever shenanigans I get up to next!!
Carrot, out.
Whoops, ending on Genzy......... how did that happen.......... who can say............
Get Our Wonderland
Our Wonderland
(Full game complete!) Our special place. A place just for us.
Status | Released |
Author | Carrot |
Genre | Visual Novel, Interactive Fiction |
Tags | asexual, Boys' Love, Dark Fantasy, Gay, Horror, LGBT, Psychological Horror, Queer, Romance |
Languages | English |
More posts
- New OW Side Story Webcomic! (Carrot, what...)Nov 22, 2024
- Remastering Our Wonderland; Or, How Does One Attempt to Polish a Game They Made...Sep 14, 2024
- An apology...May 16, 2024
- Finale Releasing April 5 (i.e., this effing game is finally gonna be finished!!...Mar 15, 2024
- OMG Carrot Finally Gives An Update on the Finale??? Much rejoicing occurs...Feb 17, 2024
- Carrot Discusses the New S-S-S-Side Game(???) and Also Things Like Burnout, Whic...Nov 17, 2023
- Our Wonderland: Arc 5 Part 1 1/2 Out Now!Aug 18, 2023
- Arc 5, Part 1 1/2 Releasing August 18th! a.k.a. whoops Carrot did it again... (t...Aug 03, 2023
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WAAAAAAAAAAAA IM SO HAPPY!!!!!! Q_Q this game didnt have enough with making me cry a hundred times and is back for more!! Congrats, carrot, and good luck with any future works!!
Thank you carrot for giving me a character that i can finally kin whole-heartedly🙏🙏(aka genzou)
ive never really understood the whole kinning shit or rather never found any characters that i saw myself in, and even forced myself to relate to a character that had mild similarities to me just cause i wanted to join in on the fun i guess BUT HOLY FUCK genzou is me i am genzou i feel his struggles on a concerningly deep level and also we both like mayonnaise on pizza. The whole game had me yelling “LITERALLY MEEE” whenever genzou said some self-deprecating shit or pushed his painfully obvious feelings down for the umpteenth time
But yeah the finale was executed INCREDIBLY well and had me holding my breath (even thought i was having a heart attack at some point for fucks sake…it was 5 am mind you i wasnt in the best headspace) again thankyou for blessing the visual novel genre with another banger. Kinda sad that its over because the self-destructive and homicidal gay people will be missed but oh well
I really enjoyed Easter, and have been keeping an eye on this project for a while. I haven't played it yet, as I felt it would probably be best to experience in one go, but am very excited to try it. It looks really cool, and thanks for your work on it!
Rolling over from crying on Tumblr so I can cry on here too 🤣 hey, from one anxious dev to another, I AM SO GLAD YOU KEPT ON TRUCKING?!!! I'm so thankful to you sharing a piece of you (creativity, experiences, pains, joys, all of it) in this game that's created such a fun, enthusiastic community of players and fans! Not only have you inspired me in my own journey, but I feel like the world of OW belongs to me too LOL (spending about a year with these jokers who have never, ever, done anything wrong in their lives ever and are 100% innocent, yep yep 🫶🏽)
I look forward to any and all of the things you have planned next, and I hope you take a niiiice long break after all your hard work!! And in case I haven't said this enough: thank you!!!!
ahhhhhhHHHHHHHH I AM TEARING UP THIS IS INCREDIBLY SWEET 😭💕 Thank you for taking the time to write up such a sweet comment and also for all your support and words of encouragement.
"I feel like the world of OW belongs to me too" --> I'M LITERALLY CRYINGGGGGGGGG
Hearing that truly touches me in the deepest cockles of my heart. To know that people could possibly care about these chars so much. I'm still very much in disbelief to have reached this point in general. I'm very much one of those who has lots of grand ideas and starts on lots of different projects but never finishes them, so I don't know why this game would suck me in so much that I would actually be able to finish it even though it took me almost 3 years LKDJAD It has been a journey beyond a journey 🤣
Thank YOU for always being so kind and lovely!! It really means so much! AND I WILL TRY TO REST AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE 💦
I really loved reading this devlog, and I'm so glad that you didn't give up on this project! This game was SO relatable, and I think that everyone will find parts to relate to in it (or I'll shake them HOW COULD YOU NOTTT)
And LMAO I do think I want to eventually put it on Steam it's less about the fee and more about the combination of potential bad actors + I am scared of filling out all the forms and tax stuff and doing something wrong this causes me an incredible amount of anxiety 🤣🤣🤣 We shall see though...
THANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY READING THIS WHOLE THING???? WEEPING IT'S SO LONG I really just started rambling at one point dlkfajdfa
Thank you for making such high-quality content, to make it available to everyone, and to put out there games that won't EVER be forgettable.
Carrot, you're one hell of a creator, and i sure hope you'll still produce games. Take your time to publish your games elsewhere, but i think that you deserve all the attention from the vn ga(y)ming community ;)
A million bravo for you, dude <3 (imagine that im doing a standing ovation in my room rn)
SOB THANK YOU THIS IS SO SWEET????? I don't know what to say, ahhhhh... 😭 I am just so glad that so many people were able to enjoy my stories and chars. I hope that I can continue to create things that people can love and relate to!
And I will attempt to rest!! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now I will admit with everything but hopefully once things calm down a bit I'll be able to decompress a bit lakdjfad