OMG Carrot Finally Gives An Update on the Finale??? Much rejoicing occurs...
YIPPY SKIPPY I'M FINALLY WRITING UP A DEVLOG AGAIN??? That is because I'm making decent progress on the finale (to everyone's surprise) so I wanted to not only quickly chat about what I have done so far and what's still left that I need to do, but also to take this opportunity to talk a bit more about the mechanics(???) if that's the right word of the finale in general and how everything works just to give peeps who've been following this l o n g a n d w i n d i n g h e l l s c a p e a little glimpsy glimpse of what they can expect now that everything's finally coming to a close. So in the words of the great Mario Mario, STRAP YOUR BELT ON, KID, WE'RE GOIN' IN.
LET'S START WITH SOME COLD HARD DEETS. What exactly have I finished so far??? Let's see...
I have written approximately 20k words. This is the bulk of the finale from start to finish (so I've written the end of the game, basically). However, because of the presence of the routes, this is not everything. I've just written one route version to start so I could just get through to the end, but I still need to write the different scenes for the other routes, which I imagine total could add like 10k or so more words by the time I'm finished. Unsure. I'll talk more about the routes and what this means later on when I talk about the mechanics.
Omg teehee first lines or something...
I've finished the art and coding for the first half of the finale. In my head, the finale is kinda split into two parts: Bucks's part, and then the ending of the game. I've finished up through Bucks's part, so now just have the ending to do. This sounds like not a lot but I think it will be somewhat extensive as there's a lot that still needs to happen. And not only the ending but the epilogues, too, which will be mostly art-based... SO BASICALLY A LOT OF ART STILL NEEDS TO HAPPEN. But I'm happy to get the first huge chunk coded as there are a number of sequences that were quite extensive to code again, similar to 5.15. MUCH ACTION WILL HAPPEN OR SOMETHING. I'm pleased with how it's turned out so far.
The more I work on this game, the more unintelligible the code becomes...
Art-wise... I have drawn 31 CGs so far. This includes another cutscene. This feels like a lot already but will probably more than double by the time I'm finished LMAO I never know how many CGs I'll end up drawing as I just kinda decide on them either while writing or while coding (doubly more if there are cutscenes in there) so I could not tell you exactly how many more there will be. But I know there will be a lot of art for the ending and epilogues so I'm just throwing out that there's still a ton left LOLOL
C-Can you guess whose route I did first?
I've also drawn a ton more sprites because of a certain sequence that required a ton of new ones + sprite variations (honestly took longer than a lot of the CGs to be honest WEEP). Let me count them up... well first I drew new normal sprites for both Orlam and Bucks. I did Orlam's new one first because I just haaaAAAAaaAAAte his old one. It was the first sprite I drew for the whole game, so not only is it just rough in general, but his design evolved a lot over the course of production, particularly his hair. And also my style evolved, too. So in my eyes it just looks extremely weird and off-model. BUT I NEED HIS NORMAL SPRITE AGAIN FOR THE FINALE. And I just couldn't bear to use that old one again... SO I DREW A NEW ONE. It's much better and also I then added a gajillion more expressions. A bit later I then also decided to redraw Bucks's sprite because I needed it again, too. Bucks's old sprite is not as heinous as Orlam's old one but it's still rather off-model, especially style-wise, and I just needed something that felt more consistent if I was going to be using it again... I've also updated all of Orlam's and Bucks's previous scenes to use the new sprites instead, even including some of the new expressions to add a bit more variety. (Now the only sprite tweak I need to do is to eventually fix Gidget's hair in their original sprite...)
Uhhhhh, where was I...
Oh yes I was counting up all the new sprites I've drawn LOL Lemme see... 17 completely new sprites!!! For various purposes. Whether replacing old ones, for new flashbacks, for fighting scenes, etc. Also a bajillion sprite variations, some of which probably took even longer to do than drawing a whole new sprite would tbh WEEP because when I draw sprites I don't draw a base and then put clothes on, I just draw it as-is, so if I want to change their clothes or do something different with their hair, etc., I need to like, draw new over the top, then edit the bottom in case the old clothes go beyond the outlines of the new clothes, etc... PROBABLY NOT THE BEST PROCESS????? Like turning Genzou's high school sprite into a middle school sprite took forever:
...especially because I originally drew his glasses straight onto his face. It probably didn't help that as I was working on some of the variations, I decided I didn't like some of their old expressions anymore and felt they looked strange LKDJLFAKSDFA so along the way I also made tweaks to their faces and expressions... I generally think they look much better now, so I may also replace some of the weirder ones in older flashbacks with the new expressions, too...
I'M UNSURE WHY I DIDN'T JUST COMPLETELY DRAW NEW SPRITES TBH maybe because despite everything I still like having some of those threads of continuity lol.
Anyway, here's some screenshots of the new sprites in action:
And..... I guess that takes us up to pretty much what I've done so far!! There's already been a ton of work as you can see but still lots to go!! I'm happy with everything so far and looking forward to diving into the ending. I've already gotten incredibly emotional at various points throughout production, both while working on Bucks's part and also while I was writing the ending. I hope I'm able to do the coding and art for the ending in a way that meets the vision of it I have in my mind lkdjfalskda
NOW THAT THE PROGRESS REPORT IS OVER. I wanted to talk a bit about the mechanics!!!!!!11!!!1!!! Why??? Because the finale is finally when all those choices you've been making throughout the course of the game come into play. And also the only major split of the game. But I want people to understand exactly what this split is perhaps so like, you better understand how it all works before going into it. Idk why. Maybe because part of me is anxious. But what else is new, am I right or am I right????
Anyway, uhhhhhh... right. The Choice. The choice of the game. One you all knew was coming eventually yeah???
Here it is lol:
This choice will determine your ending/epilogue 😛 I also add a double confirm here informing players as such so they know it's important just to make sure (DON'T WANT ANYONE CHOOSING WHAT THEY DON'T WANT, YOU KNOW???)
However there's a caveat that potentially not all of these options will be available. That's because all of your past choices influence Iggy's relationship with each of the LIs his friends. If you haven't built up enough affection for a certain char, then their option will be grayed out. So potentially if you made really poor choices for everyone throughout the entire game the only option you'll have is the last one LOL I did it this way because many of the quote-unquote "good" choices for each char throughout the game help you learn more about them and their struggles/issues so that getting their ending feels more justified and natural. Some choices in particular I can think of like, reveal quite large pieces of their stories or show connections between them and Iggy that I feel like are rather essential to understanding the character and making their ending with Iggy work LDKJFASD That doesn't mean that you won't reach the end and not have the option to choose multiple people. That is also entirely possible! And part of why I also did it this way, so that you can kinda choose what you feel are the best choices for multiple characters and be able to easily unlock multiple endings on a single playthrough rather than having to go back completely through the whole game (considering it is rather long...) Actually I'm unsure if you could unlock every single char on a single playthrough 🤔 I think you would be able to??? It's mostly starting in Arc 5 that you're given choices where you have to choose between one char or another (e.g., choosing Genzou's scene or Gidget's scene in Jerry's hideout). Maybe I need to do a lightning playthrough making every right choice and see if I can have all three options pop up once I actually code in the mechanics... STAY TUNED I GUESS.
Well the basic plot and ending of the game are still the same no matter what. Because this is at its essence a single story with a single conclusion. However, each route will have a special scene, some small differences spackled throughout the final leadup to the ending, as well as a unique epilogue. I have made this Very Excellent Diagram to illustrate what I mean:
Essentially, the main story of this game is unchanging. But I like having this option to influence the romantic(?) aspect of it a bit based on your own prefs. That and I just love all the chars so much, so I really love including the option to think about how all of the possible ships might play out. I imagine the neutral path will be the shortest and most general; however, I may or may not include a little interesting ~ connection ~ at the end kinda hinting at where I see the neutral ending sitting in the overall timeline of the OW universe 😝
So yeah, if you'll remember back when I was talking about my progress, I have written everything for what would be the Genzou route so far. And coded/done art up through like, halfway through the Path to Ending for Genzou's route. My goal is to finish art and coding up through the Ending and then I'll go back and write the special scenes/do the CGs for the other routes. Doing it this way allows me to write the Path to Ending more naturally with one char in mind so that I can identify parts that I will then change/tweak for the other routes. It's similar to how I wrote and coded Our Cinderella actually, and since it worked pretty well for that, I'm repeating the process here.
As always, if you have any B U R N I N G Q U E S T I O N S about any of this or the finale in general, you can always ask, either here on or my Tumblr! Unless of course it's a major spoiler LKDJFALSKD I cannot answer questions that will completely spoil parts of the ending... I've already done so good at like, not sharing CGs that are too spoiler-y already, WHICH IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT AS I'M VERY PROUD OF SOME OF THEM BUT I MUST KEEP THEM TO MYSELF UNTIL I FINALLY GET THE REST OF THIS THING FINISHED.
...I cannot give you an exact date (as usual) LOL It is because I don't plan anything, so I can never tell you how many CGs I need to draw, how many sprites I need to draw, how long it will take me to code scenes, etc. Also my productive-ness differs so much from day to day already. So I tend to just chug along at my own pace figuring things out as I go until I reach the end. For that reason, I can never give estimates until I get much closer to actually finishing. HOWEVER. I will at least say that I have a personal goal to have the finale finished by May at the latest. It may be finished earlier than this. But I hope it will not take longer than this. Ofc this is barring any huge events or changes happening in my life. Because you can't exactly plan for those 😝 So yeah, that's kinda a... personal goal/estimate. But I won't be able to give any more specific estimates until I get more of this thing done!!!!!!1!1!!!!!
This is the part of the devlog where I don't really know what to write about so I just get rambly and weepy. This has been such a long journey for me so far! I can't believe I've been working on this game around 2.5 years now. It's grown far beyond what I had initially imagined for it, but I'm really happy with how it's turned out. And I'm really excited to finally bring it to a close. I just hope I can do it justice LKDJALSKDFA I have gone through many ups and downs these last 2.5 years. I suffer from bad anxiety and chronic pain in my back and arm. And sometimes it hits me so hard that I can barely function for days/weeks at a time. So I apologize for those down times where I just haven't been able to work on much. Or when I've paused main game production to just dink around with self-indulgent art (or make unplanned self-indulgent side games LKDJAFSD). One thing I've also discovered as a result of working on this game is that I highly suspect I have AuDHD (autism + ADHD) thanks to some friends and then like a year and a half of my own research, deep thoughts, lightbulb moments, and self-discovery. It's not something officially diagnosed though so I don't want to like, officially come out and say it for sure. And I don't know if I'll ever go down the road of getting diagnosed as it would be impossible where I am now as my language skills in the country where I live are not good enough for me to go through the process. (And I don't know how I feel about remote diagnoses + they are very expensive...) But it just makes a lot of sense looking back at my life. And I think it's influenced this game in many ways, too, from its production (the fact that I have not been able to think about or focus on anything besides this game and chars for the past 2.5 years) to parts of the story/chars (mostly in the form of Iggy.............. who borrows a great deal from me......... 💦). I have learned so much about myself and worked through so many things with this game. And so it's very emotional for me to be nearing the end. And I know there are parts of the game that aren't perfect (literally at all LKJDLFAKDSA), it's perhaps as flawed as me, myself tbh. but I'm grateful and happy that there are others out there who can enjoy it and relate to it and its chars and the journeys they've taken. And I love the fact that I've met so many people through working on this, from new friends, to lots of other amazing devs, to the OW fam that can constantly make me smile and laugh, especially with all your silly asks and posts on Tumblr lkdjasdfa I really feel like I have such a wonderful family!!! And I will probably make another long weepy post when the game is finally finished, but I just wanted to say all this now because I've been filled with a lot of emotions lately and came off of a really bad anxiety month in January so I'm just really grateful idk lol.
Anyway, I should really stop typing now or I'll just go off the rails. I hope you've enjoyed this devlog!!! I will keep working hard on the finale and I hope I'll finally be able to share the full game with everyone soon! I don't know if I'll have another devlog before it's done. Maybe just when I get close enough that I can give a release date in (hopefully) a few months. We'll see. At any rate, I'll catch y'all on the other siiiIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEE.
Ok but not without sharing some of the aforementioned self-indulgent art first as a signoff LKJDALKDSF
Get Our Wonderland
Our Wonderland
(Full game complete!) Our special place. A place just for us.
Status | Released |
Author | Carrot |
Genre | Visual Novel, Interactive Fiction |
Tags | asexual, Boys' Love, Dark Fantasy, Gay, Horror, LGBT, Psychological Horror, Queer, Romance |
Languages | English |
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Carrot! You're gonna make me die from how cute Genzou is! Help! I really live the art you make of you're characters! AHHHHHH!
BRO, everything is looking AWESOME! Continue the good work, carrot! I, too, love Genzou's route the most (pardon my English); Take as much time as you need!
WEEP THANK YOU??????? That is very kind!! 😭💕 And I'm glad you like Genzou ahhhhhhh 🥺
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! I'll keep working hard to get this finished up! 😤
Woohoo!! New sprites are looking GREAT. Take as much time as you need to finish your game, it will be well worth it!
Cannot wait 2 make The Choice in arc 5, given that I've been playing the entire game Like This:
Man, this is so good I love it!
(honestly, me too...Between Genzou and Orlam, but I want to go Neutral first, and then Orlam-
Gen, don’t be angry, during this time he conquered me to Orlam. And how sad it was, Gidget is the last one on the list ... TmT. I'm sorry Gid)
Slightly obsessed 🤣💦
That's so real of you though tbh.
Splendid! Can't wait to play! Thanks for your continuous work, Carrot!
What a good news, isn't it? And the first route I could play is my FAVORITE character Genzou's, it's making my burst into crying!
Thank you for the kind words!!! I'm glad it sounds exciting lkdjafds 😭💕 AND I HOPE YOU'LL LIKE GENZOU'S ROUTE. Working on it made me openly weep just a tad...
I'll keep working hard and try to finish up the game the best that I can!! 😤
THIS IS TERRIFYING???????????????????????????????????????????????????? HELPPPPPPP LKDJAKFAJDF
I am also very excited. I just hope that I'll be able to do everything justice and that people will like how it ends ahhhhh...
Carrot you're doing amazing!!!! We're all really happy and proud of you! Love your content and games so muchhh, take as much time as you need. Thank you for this little update post!
WEEP THAT'S SO KIND???? You're making me all melty... 😭💕
Thank you so much!! kdljfadskf I'm really glad ahhhhh.
So exciting to see that the development is going well for you! Can't wait to see the final conclusion(s). This almost feel like an end of an era, wow, still a bit strange to sink in.
Ahahaha, here comes that person who is only allowed to pick Neutral Epilogue. But I'm not even upset if that's the fate for Iggy in my OW savefile. 😆 There's something authentic about playing VNs with the first run not even targeting a specific ending and just let the flow take you. I think that it gives the extra personal touch for each player that you have your 'own' unique journey. Don't worry, I'm a completionist and would replay VNs to see everything the dev has to offer, but I still have an extra soft spot for the first run.
Owowowow thank you!! 😭💕 It really does feel like the end of an era... not sure I'm prepared for how I'm going to feel once the finale is actually done and launched... 🥴
LMAOOOOO if it makes you feel any better it seems like Genzou's is quite easy to get. Every single beta tester who told me their numbers before the previous release had his unlocked without even trying for it. I think it's because some of his choices more than the others' also just kinda lend themselves to the vibe of the overall plot at the time rather than being necessarily centered on him. At least until later on in like the Arc 5 choices that feel more targeted LOL (The hardest to get seems to be Gidget's akldjflakds)
Either way though I hope you'll enjoy getting any of the epilogues! Though the neutral one will likely be the shortest, I do consider it "important" in the OW timeline so I'll be curious how people react it LOL 🤭
When I saw the post on Tumblr, I was a little surprised (I mean... so soon? Although, what did I expect? It's not a whole chapter🤣)
Ahem, this isn’t about that now, just to realize that it’s going fast, or has time passed quickly for me?
But also, I reacted a lot while I was reading your post.
And, I'm pleasantly surprised about the Renpy codes! I thought about what you would do, and that there would be some kind of outcome (as you wrote, finally our options will affect something 🤣), and I am pleasantly surprised!
It’s just that you reminded me of my main problem with options, and I like that in Arc 5, there will be not only neutral (I love this, just character growth without a romantic outcome🤣), but also that depending on what we choose, it will reflect what options will be available to us!
Maybe for some it’s a small thing, but for me it’s already a joy! I love this, I wanted to do the same, but I didn’t find such a guide, so... I gave up developing the game TwT
So, I am glad that it will be like with a vessel: depending on what you chose, it will be decided which choices will be available to you.
I like it! And I wanted you to use the same methods as in the OC,it will make your work easier (it’s like a cliché - they always work and make the task easier❤️)
And yeah, I guess I'll say a little something about (OH MY GOD ARE WE GOING TO SEE IGGY'S SPRITE? No, we saw it, BUT NOT IN THE TERMS OF DIALOGUE OR FLASHBACKS! I don’t know, it surprised and pleased me, because we play as his faces... not including side games.)
And yes, we know that sooner or later it will end, but we will all have an end sooner or later, this story will never fade away, it will be in our hearts and thoughts. OW is eternal only when people remember, think and talk about it.
ADHD and autism? Carrot, we love you, even with that, but you're right, it's not a diagnosis, but it's interesting to reflect and learn about yourself anyway. Every day you learn something new about yourself...
And, frankly speaking, I have said this more than once, but your game gave me a second wind for creativity and new acquaintances. (I remember that art, in the form of myself in the OW, yes.)
There were so many ideas for comics, for art, and then I threw everything into the trash when I realized that it was not canon 🤣🤣🤣
But some ideas remained, but new ideas also came, don’t worry!
I even had ideas for fan games that probably won’t come out 🤣🤣🤣
Well, if there is no time to create a game, I can draw it out of habit (my friends know what I mean. If you've seen the video on OFW with the participation of Orlam and Genzou... You'll understand what I mean. Or at least the art where you ended up in Wonderland 🤣🤣)
So many emotions... So many thoughts and conversations... And questions for you, especially about Orlam, because he was essentially the reason I found out about this game 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I... I don't remember having so much fun or thinking about a game. Your game teaches a lot, and they are so alive in essence...
Thanks to Iggy for the thoughts, they reminded me of when I was younger when I was thinking about this.
And yes. Carrot. Please don't torture yourself, because while I was drawing the "Genby" comic, I was also worried that I was late with the publication. I also have university, but first of all I need to catch up on the comics, otherwise I’ll just give up this idea...
So, Carrot. Everyone has their own time. As you said, you don’t have a main date so that you can make it, why worry about it??? Please, don’t strain yourself, do it so that later your head and hands don’t hurt!!
I feel a little like Gidget telling Iggy not to stress out 🤣🤣🤣
(Although I don't look much like Gidget, there is a certain trait. I generally see myself as small parts of the Main Caste...So, it's hard for me to say who I am 🤣🤣🤣)
Okay, I'm done, I don't want to make this comment longer than my friend's. Hello Quamai!👀🦊✨
Just know... You came this far to tell your story through character. You should not listen to negative things, because there are those who sincerely worry about you, and we are ready to wait as long as possible. And we love you, and your creativity, and your characters, who are already sealed in our hearts and minds❤️
Your game motivates us to draw arts, create and so on, this already says a lot. Who knows, maybe your work saves someone’s life or from bad thoughts! What, your characters and story, resonates not only with “Oh, they’re like me!”, but also as a comfortable character, which save them from bad thoughts and give them a feeling of warmth in their soul✨
So, thank you very much for your help and for your work.
Our Wonderland is always in our hearts ❤️
P.S. I hope I will have time to draw art by this time at least this time 👀
W-WELL THERE'S STILL A WAYS TO GO LKDJLAKDFA I just wanted to give an update because I feel like I haven't talked about the progress much at all, plus it's been so long now since 5.15 came out LOL
I do hope that people will enjoy having the choice and being able to affect the final outcome just a bit. Even though this is at its heart a single story, I just really like the idea of people being able to influence a bit based on their own preferences. I've found that I quite like stories in general that aren't focused on romance per se, and have a single overarching story, but where you are able to influence some of the romance that takes place alongside the story itself. So I guess that's a bit why I went in this direction. It's basically the same as OFW tbh. It also had a single story but you could influence the romance aspect of it. The only difference here is that rather than having the game choose the route for you automatically based on your choices like it does in OFW, you will still have the final say over your ending with the final choice.
DKLALJFSD WHY IS THE IGGY SPRITE THERE INDEED....... I'm a bit surprised that more people haven't asked about it LOL
Sob I am very glad if my game and chars can be such a sort of inspiration and motivation!! 😭💕 It's so weird to think back to when I first started thinking about them / drawing them and writing about them when they were still just little kernels in my head to now so many people have come to love them and their stories and journeys. I'm really touched that people have grown so attached to them! I hope even after the game is over people will continue to love them. I also have my own ideas for stuff to continue with them further afterwards but ofc it will never be quite the same as the original game LOL
LOL I NEVER TORTURE MYSELF LAKDJFAD tbh it's more a torture when I can't actively work on the game as I end up feeling quite guilty and sad. It becomes an intense conflict where I have no motivation but I'm mad at myself for having no motivation and it makes me feel quite down.
Thank you so much for the encouraging words!! I really hope that I'll be able to make this final part live up to everything that's come before it and that people will enjoy it! I'll keep working hard sobbbbb 💕
This is the best thing ever. Four different endings!? I can’t wait to play it. Hopefully it’ll come out how you want it.
I REALLY HOPE IT'LL BE GOOD SOB!! Even though the ending of the main story is the same I wanted that bit of interactivity with the unique epilogues 🥺
I also hope this!! Thank you for the kind words! 💕
Not me dropping EVERYTHING I was doing
it wasn't that importantto read this very important, very extensive, very exciting update 💛 I came to this project halfway through production, but I'm so glad OW dropped into my lap and I've had an absolute blast with every bit of this world you give us! (I too will be weepy AF in the end lol)DROPPING EVERYTHING LAKDJFALKDSFA
Thank you so much for the kind words and I'm so touched. I'm glad you're excited for the end guhhHHHHHHH ME TOO BUT ALSO WEEPY. Thank you for all your support and encouragement! I SHALL DO MY BEST!!!!!
Awww I have such mixed feelings about the game going to end soon 'cause I mean WOW that's so COOL you've been working on this for such a long time and it's really nice you've been able to achieve such a great game but like... the game is going to END... NO MORE NEW CONTENT (except for maybe side games if you plan some more...) ABOUT IGGY AND FRIENDS... LIKE IT'S ENDING...
But the feelings are motsly positive nonetheless ! And HEHEHEHEHE "The choice" is coming soon...
And I know very well I'm gonig to get all those ending because HWY WOULDN'T I DO IT IT'S SO FUN AND INTERESTING TO DISCOVER MORE OF THE STORY. Also I'll definitely try and get all three characters choices at the same time (even though for my current playthrough I might get only Genzou *AHEM* Genzou favoritism in the beginning of Arc 5 *AHEM* can you blame me though *AHEM AHEM*
I also wanted to tell you once again how much I love your game, it means so much to me with its great story, and great characters, and the horror is great as well I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH I WISH MORE PEOPLE KNEW ABOUT IT- And I always love leaving EXTRA BIG commments/ramblings each time there is an update and I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF THIS and yeah I just really love your game Carrot ^o^
I think that was all I wanted to say... I hope you're doing well and everything will run smoothly with the rest of the developpement for you !
GOD REAL. I'm both simultaneously so so excited, yet also so so sad that it means it's over(???) AND also so so anxious about whether people will like the ending or not LKDAJF I just feel like there's so much riding on this final part and so much build-up SOB. And that no matter what there will be people whose expectations are not met and there's nothing I can do about that... but I will still do my best! 😤 At any rate, yes... lots of conflicting feelings for me, as well...
LLKDJFALKDSFA GENZOU FAVORITISM I do think Genzou's ending is the easiest to get. Even though he actually has more choices than the rest of the them so you actually need to get even more "points" for him, but because many of his choices are maybe easier to say the right thing on, most ppl (betas) that I've seen their point totals for have all easily gotten Genzou's LOL Though indeed some of the choices in Arc 5 have the most bang for their buck and actually have you choosing one char over another, which throws a small wrench in things. At any rate, I guess I only hope that the presence of the final choice and needing to think a bit harder about the chars might have some people playing through choices they might have missed before or scenes they didn't play through the first time so they can see more of the story.
WEEP YOU'RE TOO KIND???? AND I ALWAYS LOVE YOUR LONG COMMENTS 😭💕 Thank you so much for the kind words and all the support and love for the chars and game. It really means so much to me that people have grown so connected to this game, which is also why it's making it even more emotional as I approach the end perhaps kjlfaksdfa BUT I DIGRESS. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this up and for the well wishes!! It really means so much 🥺
AAAAAAAAH CARROT! I'm so glad development is going well for you! Every day I look forward to the ending and seeing all the little sneak-peeks is making me so giddy. I must say, though, it is a weird feeling knowing the game is gonna end. The game that brought me so much joy, comfort, motivation, new friendships, and just... impacted me so much. I've only been following this game for around 6 months (which is actually quite a long time now that I think about it LOL), but this game has left a permanent mark on my heart, and knowing that one day it's gonna come to a close and not have any more new content released and it's just gonna be sitting there on my laptop for me to replay for the rest of time and I won't have any more new content to look forward to is... GUH. It's doing things to my heart.
OKAY, LET'S NOT GET TOO NEGATIVE HERE. I'm really excited for all the stuff you have planned. Especially The Choice™. I think the way you implemented it is really interesting and my heart is already pumping thinking about all the different potential scenes and epilogues! I'm definitely gonna (try and) get all of them 'cause I just love all these characters to bits and want to see every little thing this game has to offer. I just hope I don't have to replay too much (if at all). NOT THAT I DON'T LIKE REPLAYING THE GAME. I just don't wanna struggle with figuring out what options go towards what character and how many of them I will have to get. Buuut that's a problem for future me.
Also I really just wanna say please do not feel bad about your anxiety and not being able to work some days??? I understand that sometimes you can't help it (I feel this way too sometimes) but like, you're releasing this (masterpiece of a) game for free. You don't owe us anything. You're doing this all on your own accord, without even asking for anything back. So please don't feel pressured to push yourself past your limits to finish the game or anything, especially if it comes at the cost of your health. ALSO, YOU LITERALLY MADE THIS GAME??? One of the best visual novels I have ever played??? AND YOU DID ALL (well except the music and stuff) OF IT BY YOURSELF??? Not to sound like I'm trying to butter you up or anything, but if I were you, I'd be bragging! It genuinely takes someone with a lot of passion, creativity, dedication, and most of all love and care for their work to make something as beautiful and expansive as this, all without even asking for a single penny. I admire you, Carrot, you're honestly one of my biggest inspirations to be a gamedev. And I hope you know that. I hope you know how much I, and many others, love Our Wonderland and appreciate you for making it. Please, never forget that.
...Sorry, that got really sappy. One last thing though! I've always found it kinda funny how many people thought Iggy was canonically autistic when it wasn't ever intended, but I am glad that has led you to discover more about yourself! I myself have had similar suspicions, and there were plenty of times where Iggy would do something specific that would make me think 1) "Wow, he's just like me."; 2) "Wow, that sounds like an autism symptom."; 3) All of the above. About the diagnosis part, though, I completely undestand. It can be very hard to get diagnosed for a variety of reasons, so I just wanna tell you to please not be yourself up over it! It can be really scary, so, take your time, and just do what feels right for you.
That's all I wanted to say! Have a good rest of your day, Carrot. And please remember to drink water and take breaks!
WEEP THIS IS INCREDIBLY KIND???? What a sweet and heartfelt reply... 😭💕 I am really so lucky and grateful to have people who love the game and chars so much. LOL I AM FEELING JUST AS EMOTIONAL AND SAD ABOUT THE THOUGHT OF THE GAME ENDING TBH. It's a very strange feeling. Like I'm ecstatic to finally be able to get the end of the story out there but at the same time already dreading thinking about the game being "over." I suppose this is why I already know I'll probably dive into the remaster once I'm finished. But even that won't be the same as working on new content for the game, it'll just be giving it further polish and shine. And then ofc I hope to do more side games in the future but I don't know yet what those might be and side games also are not the same feeling as the main game itself. So no matter what, just filled with a lot of conflicting feelings. I think the thing I'm looking forward to the most though is to just have that constantly looming pressure of finish the game finish the game gone because I will have actually finished the game LOL
I'm glad you like the idea behind the choice! I think perhaps it won't be that difficult to unlock all the endings. I don't actually want it to be "difficult" to do so, more that I just hope that players will put thought(?) maybe into how they approach the choices so they can see more into each character leading into their ending. So tbh I think if you are just actively thinking about the choices and what you think will give you more insight into that character/bring Iggy closer to that character, then I think you'd have zero problem unlocking their ending. And ofc there are a few choices that have you pick a certain character over the others, too. At least from feedback I've gotten from people/betas, I think the easiest to get without really thinking actively about choices is Genzou's while the hardest is Gidget's (not that it's actually "hardest" but just that I think that more ppl might need to replay specifically with Gidget in mind to get their ending perhaps). At any rate, I hope it won't be stressful or difficult for people overall. Also now that I've added the ability to skip cutscenes and credits it will hopefully make it much faster for ppl if they want to go back through and experiment with choices.
Sob your words are very kind, thank you very much 💕 It's true I'm making this for free but even with that I still feel like I owe it to everyone who's supported me and enjoyed the game to not take 50 bajillion years and also to end the game in a hopefully satisfying way. Hence, the pressure LKDJAFD Mostly I'm worried that no matter how I end this game there will be someone dissatisfied because everyone probably has such different expectations for how it'll go by this point. So I really can only try to do it the best I can and follow my own vision. BUT I JUST DON'T WANNA LET ANYONE DOWN LAKDJFAD Weep I'm glad I can be an inspiration though. I really love making games and using games in general to tell my stories, so it would make me really happy if others find some inspiration and motivation in seeing my games to want to make their own!! I am not one of those wild success stories by any means and am constantly struggling but still just trying to chug away, so I hope some of that can help others stick by their own dreams and visions too no matter what kinds of struggles they may also face. It's a lot of work and time and dedication to make a game and a lot of game devs go through that only to be met at the end with crickets and it's really heartbreaking. And I've faced a lot of that too, especially in my first year. But I hope that others who want to tell their stories don't get deterred and can keep pushing even through those harder times to get their stories out there no matter what.
AT ANY RATE, CLEARLY I'M RAMBLING HERE. But. This was such a sweet comment and I'm really so touched that this game has meant so much to you! And I really appreciate all your support and love for the chars so much!! Thank you for taking the time to write all this up, it really means a lot! 💕